Hannes Hergeth

I am a Software Engineer working at Maxon on light transport algorithms.

Previously I studied Computer Science at RWTH Aachen and wrote my Master's thesis under the supervision of Prof. Wojciech Jarosz in the Visual Computing Lab at Dartmouth College. During my Bachelors Degree at RWTH Aachen, I also worked on topics in geometry processing with my advisor, Prof. Leif Kobbelt.

Course Projects

Higher Dimensional Photon Primitives for Surface Illumination

Master Thesis advised by Prof. Leif Kobbelt and Prof. Wojciech Jarosz, 2019

Advanced Computer Graphics

Course Project at EPFL, Spring Semester 2018

I extended the Nori Educational Raytracer to include various features, such as (an)isotropic smooth, rough, and brushed conductors; bitmap-driven scratch maps; and a realistic camera.

Final submission received 1st prize in the course rendering competition, among ~40 entries.

Extending Adaptive Progressive Photon Mapping to Participating Media

Bachelor Thesis advised by Prof. Leif Kobbelt at RWTH Aachen, 2016

Game Programming

Course at RWTH Aachen, Fall Semester 2015

Group project in which a real-time Sailing Simulator was developed. I focused on the rendering, particularly of realistic looking water and reflections.

Sword Fighting Game

Course Project at RWTH Aachen Spring Semester 2014

Group project in which we developed a demo of a real-time action game. My aspect was developing a skeletal animation system through which the user could control the hero with a Wii controller.

Research Projects

Student Research Assistant at EPFL

2017 - 2018

During my time as an Erasmus student at EPFL, I worked in Wenzel Jakob's group on polarization in rendering. I designed a library for measuring physical quantities in a laboratory setting, and also implemented polarization-aware rendering in Mitsuba 2.

Research Intern at Nvidia


I worked in the group of Alexander Keller at the Nvidia Advanced Rendering Center in Berlin on reinforcement learning in light transport. This project was an extension of the paper 'Learning Light Transport the Reinforced Way'. However, as it remains unpublished, the specifics are unavailable at this time.

Student Research Assistant RWTH Aachen

2013 - 2016

I worked for then-PhD student Hans-Christian Ebke on the implementation of Multi-Resolution Quad Meshing algorithms. A continuation of this work was published at SIGGRAPH Asia 2016, with a brief nod to my early contributions in the Acknowledgements section.

Personal Projects


2012 - ongoing

A CUDA library for rendering algorithms based on ray tracing. Includes implementations of Bidirectional Path Tracing, Volumetric Probabilistic Progressive Photon Mapping and Vertex Connection and Merging

Risen Editor

2010 - 2013

A D3D11 level editor for a well-known German PC game which enables user modifications. Based on a small engine capable of hardware tessellation, deferred shading and other state-of-the-art algorithms.